As a trusted independent garage, when a customer drops a car off for a service you probably have some set questions you ask them. Here is one that may seem a little off the wall, but could well be worth adding – Do you have any allergies?
You are not looking to find out your customer’s medical history, but this is a good way to start a conversation about cabin filters. Most drivers will have little knowledge of cabin filters and even fewer will know about the significant role they can play in reducing in-car allergy symptoms.
Hay fever sufferers in particular will benefit from a fresh cabin filter being fitted at this time of year. However, if you change a cabin filter without a customer knowing, it is just an extra expense on the invoice. You can easily turn this around by pointing out the benefits before the service and make it a talking point. The customer is then likely to see this as a positive and proactive move and is also more likely to notice the benefits afterwards, in terms of other health benefits, less driver fatigue, a clearer windscreen and better protection of expensive A/C components.
If a customer needs more convincing why not keep a particularly dirty cabin filter in a sealed polythene bag on your counter and show them what they could be breathing in.
It is only a quick question, but it can achieve three important things. Firstly, it shows that your customer care goes beyond just servicing the vehicle. Secondly, it will make your garage stand out and may even get your customers talking about your service to friends, family and colleagues. And thirdly, changing a cabin filter at every service can provide a significant and relatively simple boost to revenue.