Chicago Pneumatic has produced a free online Expert Corner Technical Guide on optimising air tool installation efficiency.
The company says that optimising overall equipment efficiency (OEE) is key to maintaining productivity, ensuring workplace safety and delivering the best return on an investment in any workshop environment. For air tool users a correctly installed and maintained air supply system is a major contributing factor to OEE, but one that can be easily overlooked or misunderstood.
Annabelle Bray, Chicago Pneumatic’s Global Product Marketing Manager – Accessories says, “When it comes to air pressure, higher isn’t always better. Actually, it is more important to maintain the right pressure and keep pressure drops to a minimum if you want to ensure high productivity and energy savings.”
To help users get the most out of their compressed air system, Chicago Pneumatic Tool experts have pooled their knowledge to produce “Is Your Air Tool Installation Right?” a new, free-to-download Technical Guide that contains clear and helpful information to enable users to achieve optimum performance and reliability.
Joel Draelants, Global Business Development Manager for Chicago Pneumatic comments, “Choosing the right tool for the job is only the first step in optimising efficiency. A good air installation is essential for your tool to work properly, and for achieving global productivity of your working stations. Our new Guide is designed to present factual information and advice about the correct design, installation and maintenance of air systems in a way that our customers will find accessible.”
Packed with helpful diagrams and tips,” Is Your Air Tool Installation Right?” features a self-diagnostic in three easy steps to help air tool users check if their existing air tool accessories selection is correct, and to make sure that tools are working as expected. For ease of use, this item can be downloaded separately from the main Guide.
The first 100 people to download the new Expert Guide will also be eligible to receive a free printed poster illustrating a typical air system layout and the components involved.
To download the guide go to the expert corner section under power tools at or
click here.