SATA shares benefits of its air fed masks

February 03, 2023
SATA shares benefits of its air fed masks

Whilst SATA are well known as premium spray gun manufacturers the company is also an innovator in the field of PPE.

The inhalation of atomised isocyanate materials makes the likelihood of developing occupational asthma high with painters, but protection against isocyanates, is only one part of the health story, with the quality of the compressed air that the painter is breathing also vital.

The air must meet EN12021 meaning it meets the minimum quality standards for breathable compressed air and including levels for oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, lubricants, water and other types of contaminants and odour.

Whilst the use of two-stage filtration systems, such as the SATA filter 244 unit, will give the compressed air a clean bill of health with regard to particulates and droplets, it will not eliminate odours and oil vapours. To remove those prior to breathing the air, an adsorption filter is additionally required. In essence, this means the inclusion of a belt-hung charcoal/carbon filter unit on the operator’s belt or using a three-stage filter, such as the SATA 284 filter which has a charcoal element. 

It is also mandatory that all air-fed full face positive pressure respirators have an audible warning device. With the SATA air vision 5000 and SATA vision 2000, the warning whistle is located within the hood itself, thus ensuring the operator has the best chance of hearing it.

The two available SATA full-face mask options are also unique, since they both have a single tear-off visor covering an aperture in the face surround of the mask, unlike other masks available on the Irish market, which have a rigid clear visor over which the painter affixes tear-off visors. The key benefit to the painter is that with the SATA versions they are viewing the paint application through a single thin clear visor rather than through a thicker clear rigid visor and tear-off covering, resulting in poorer vision and in irritating reflections.

Additionally, every time the visor cover requires replacement the SATA single visor system will be as clear as new, whereas over an existing clear rigid visor there may be scratches causing visual distractions.

SATA masks also allow the air flow to the hood to be independently adjusted on the belt unit for operator comfort and feature fabric head covers that ensure the entire head is adequately covered. 

There are also internal hygiene inserts and forehead sweat bands which are available to be changed as frequently as the operator and depending on the particular model selected, SATA offer both air warmers and air coolers which in certain climatic conditions are very useful.

There are situations where, for a variety of reasons, a painter may not feel comfortable wearing a full-face hood. If this is the case, then SATA also offer the SATA air star C which is a half-face air-fed mask which is also perfectly suitable for use when spraying isocyanate products. It is suggested that safety glasses are worn.

The SATA air vision 5000 and SATA vision 2000 are available from SATA stockists. 
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