TUS Limerick hosts ELVES Electric Vehicle Dismantling training 

November 27, 2023
TUS Limerick hosts ELVES Electric Vehicle Dismantling training 

ELVES, the compliance scheme for End-of-Life Vehicles, has just overseen the delivery of IMI (Institute of the Motor Industry) Authorised Electric Vehicle Dismantling training for the first time in Ireland at TUS Limerick.  This training provides dismantlers in the motor industry with the skills to safely shut down electric vehicles and prepare them for recycling and reuse in an environmentally friendly manner.

Delivered by Salvage Wire Ltd at the Technological University of the Shannon in Limerick, the Authorised level training was delivered alongside IMI Competent training in Limerick as well as also in Athlone.

ELVES aims to deliver the most appropriate training for Authorised Treatment Facilities through the Electric ELVES programme.  Its training programme for ATFs has developed since it was first introduced in 2019 and more ATF specific qualifications have become available.  The Electric Vehicle Dismantling courses move from a theoretical focus to practical implementation as participants move through the qualifications offered.

Elena Wrelton, from ELVES commented, “Once again, we have been lucky enough to be hosted by TUS in Limerick, without whose support, our training programme would not have the reach it does.  We are delighted that there are now ATF specific qualifications available, in the form of IMI Electric Vehicle Dismantling Training, which we can offer to ATFs in Ireland.  Building on modified courses that we have offered in the past, this latest training now provides two levels that ATFs can complete which are designed especially for vehicle dismantlers – IMI Competent and IMI Authorised in Electric Vehicle Dismantling.” 

 Elena added, “ELVES has had a great response from ATFs to these new qualifications, with places on all training days filling up fast – the fastest since we first offered training back in 2019. This shows a keenness amongst ATFs for more advanced training as well as a realisation that training is needed to handle these new types of vehicles.” 
ELVES will be offering more Electric Vehicle Dismantling training in 2024, details will be made available on the ELVES website and distributed to all ATFs in advance. For further information see www.electricelves.ie
TUS Limerick hosts ELVES Electric Vehicle Dismantling training 
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