Valeo, which is an OE specialist in the field of driving assistance solutions, has announced the launch of a range of parking assistance sensors for the independent aftermarket.
With the increase in the number of vehicles equipped with parking sensors, as well as the number of sensors per vehicle, there will be more than a third of vehicles fitted with Valeo parking assistance system sensors as OE by 2020.
Valeo say its parking sensor range meets the specific needs of the industry and offers a variety of benefits. These include; the reliability and performance of original products, seamless integration with the vehicle for an irreproachable finish and rendering with its paintable sensors and three different seal colours that fit discreetly to every bumper; and finally, saving time in the workshop thanks to the simplicity of the ‘plug and play’ socket fitting.
With only 15 part numbers, covering 16 brands and more than 180 vehicle models, customers can also take advantage of the efficiency of a standardised offer that is easy to store.
The range’s complete data is provided on TecDoc and MAM platforms ensuring each product is easily identifiable and Valeo’s wealth of knowledge enables the supplier to provide quality technical support such as fitting instructions, painting instructions and technical training.
The products are compatible with standard parking assistance systems, along with the latest automatic parking systems “Park4U”.