New Euro NCAP protocols take safety to new levels

May 21, 2020
New Euro NCAP protocols take safety to new levels

Euro NCAP has introduced a series of new safety tests which will apply to vehicles launched in 2020. The new tests specifically address issues of occupant protection, post-crash protection and ADAS.

Matthew Avery, director of research Thatcham Research and Euro NCAP board member believes the new protocols will provide a new yardstick that vehicles will be measured against and said that Thatcham Research and Euro NCAP were looking forward to working closely with carmaker safety teams to drive towards strong results for these society-benefitting tests.

Matthew commented, “These are the biggest changes to Euro NCAP’s impact testing protocols in a decade. Chief among them is the new ‘compatibility’ impact test. For the first time there will be two moving elements to the head on collision: the test vehicle and barrier. Most importantly we will not only look at the intrusion occurring to the vehicle being tested, but also to the new Mobile Progressive Deformable Barrier.” He adds, “The objective is to encourage makers of larger vehicles to share some of the burden of the impact with smaller vehicles. Historically SUVs and other big cars have offered very good protection to their occupants. However, the smaller vehicles they sometimes crash into can fare less well.”

In the new compatibility test, if the larger vehicle is too stiff in an impact scenario, it will be penalised accordingly. This will level the playing field for all vehicle sizes, which Mathew says is a win-win for road safety.

In addition, a new ‘THOR’ mid-sized dummy will be used in the tests. This will make the new test especially challenging for carmakers, as the dummy more closely represents a human. The previous dummy used was designed for impact scenarios that are less common today, while the THOR dummy is far more complex and sensitive and can record abdominal injuries. As a result, carmakers  have to tune vehicle restraints and structures to accommodate for the sophisticated THOR.

‘Active’ safety tests to rate the performance of new Autonomous Emergency Braking systems have also been added into the car safety regime. Mathew says, “Technology continues to present the most exciting opportunities for complete crash avoidance.  As such, there are now two new Autonomous Emergency Braking protocols in the programme. The first, known as the Turn Across Path test, looks to prevent collisions with vulnerable road users and other vehicles at junctions. The other addresses reverse parking incidents. These are very common and expensive, and although most result in nothing more than a dinked bumper, the consequences can be tragic should an unseen child or elderly person be passing by the rear of the vehicle.”

Assessment of technology that indirectly monitors the driver to identify potential fatigue has also been introduced. “We believe that Driver Monitoring is the next big thing in active safety technology,” says Mathew. “In the short term it has a key role in detecting fatigue and distraction. However, these ‘Guardian Angel’ systems will also be fundamental to the safe introduction of the first Automated Driving Systems, by ensuring that the driver is ready to take back control of the vehicle when it is no longer in Automated Driving mode.”

The final pillar to Euro NCAP’s 2020 protocol announcement deals with post-crash safety. This will allow  carmakers to be rewarded for making accurate rescue information available.

The new test are explained in the video below.

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