As the air conditioning season reaches its peak, workshops will be working hard to provide their customers with an AC service that’s second to none, and Nissens is the AC specialist that more and more are turning to for the support they need.
The complete Nissens AC programme includes the key system components workshops require, developed and manufactured according to market-recognised, genuine Nissens’ quality standards. The portfolio of more than 3,000 parts, which includes compressors, condensers, interior blowers, evaporators, receiver-driers, fans and thermal expansion valves (TXV), caters for in excess of 15,000 OE part numbers, so provides workshops with a highly competitive offering.
In addition, the majority of the company’s AC parts are also First Fit products, which means the technician gets everything that is needed for their correct installation, within the product box.
Alongside its premium quality components, Nissens has a reputation for its technical support, which it provides to installers through a variety of forms from print to online, including technical training, self-learning modules and technical tips, as well as detailed installation and troubleshooting guides.
Nissens has also just released its latest newsletter, which focuses on AC and is packed with usefil and practical information. It can be accessed here.
Nissens says that regardless of whether on the distribution or installation side of the business, all the vital information related to the Nissens Climate System Parts programme can be found at including product feature reviews and data, as well as the technical training offer and professional AC system service-related technical material.