This 2006 Peugeot 207 1.4 16, belonged to the daughter of a good friend. The problem started with a difficulty in selecting gear, and suspecting that perhaps the clutch had sucked air into the hydraulics, he asked me to change the clutch master and the clutch slave cylinder, hoping this would solve the problem. Then, a nasty screeching noise started coming from the area of the gearbox, whenever the clutch pedal was depressed. It was decided that the gearbox needed to come out.
Once the gearbox was out, it was found that one of the springs in the clutch friction plate had begun to break free, and was now dragging on the underside of the pressure plate springs. This was the source of the screeching sound and the reason for the ineffective operation of the clutch.
With the new clutch in place, all of the problems sorted out.
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