Team P R Reilly launch new range of Super Concentrated Screen Wash

August 06, 2015
Team P R Reilly launch new range of Super Concentrated Screen Wash

Team P R Reilly has introduced a new  Super Concentrated Screen Wash called Decosol Excel, which the company says offers exceptional value.  

Decosol Excel Screen Wash is an advanced formulation for safe, smear-free cleaning in all weather conditions. Designed to be practical in all seasons, it efficiently removes traffic film and flies in the summer whilst providing superior protection against freezing to -24°c in the winter months. It also has added water softener that improves cleaning performance and prevents hard water deposits from blocking jets.

Decosol Excel Screen Wash is designed to save customers money as it’s super concentrated formula makes 5 Litres from only 100ml of concentrate at a 1:50 ratio.  To make using the product easier, Decosol have designed their bottles to have an integrated measuring cylinder.

To introduce Decosol Excel there is a special Excel Screen Wash promotional deal with customer receiving free Micro Fibre Cloths with every purchase. New eye-catching point of sale Wobblers are also available to promote the product.

For more information on Decosol products and offers contact the Team P R Reilly sales team on 01- 832-0006 or by email at
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