According to year 2000 cars are no longer the most prominent on Irish roads, after twelve years at the top of league tables.
Cars registered in that year – which recorded an unprecedented number of new car sales – were the most popular on our roads, but have now been surpassed by vehicles registered in 2005, 2006 and 2007. Year 2000 was a boom year for vehicle sales, owing to a combination of the ‘millennium factor’ the boom and a successful scrappage scheme. There were 225,269 indigenous new vehicles registered in 2000 and a further 42,450 imports were subsequently added to that number. For understandable reasons, numbers of vehicles on Irish roads from the year 2000 have dropped off, as vehicles fall into disrepair and receive end-of-life certificates.
However, year 2000-registered-vehicles are still number 4 on the list of most popular vehicles by registration year in Ireland – showing the Millennium Bug didn’t affect vehicle reliability! Millennium cars are now surpassed on the table by the Celtic Tiger boom year cars. – those from 2005, 2006 and 2007. People are holding onto cars longer, due to galvanised bodies and anti-corrosive manufacturing methods – principally due to computing and computer modelling and robotics.
The table of the most popular cars on Irish roads today (by registration year) reads as follows:
Position Registration Year 1 2007
2 2005
3 2006
4 2000
5 2004
6 2008
7 2002
8 2003
9 2001
10 1999