Over recent months the AkzoNobel Sikkens paint brand has been highlighting some of its heroes of the painting world. However, recognising that paint heroes are in all types of operation, Sikkens is also giving businesses on the ground the chance to join its on-line Heroes Gallery and create their own great promotional poster into the bargain.
Sikkens has put a simple poster creation tool on-line at
http://sikkensvr.com/en/put-yourself-in-the-picture. Sikkens Bodyshops, painters and distributors are invited to join the gallery of Sikkens heroes by creating their own poster.
The process is quick and easy. Just upload a photo, a strap line and a few lines of text and the poster creator does the rest. Sikkens will add the created poster to the heroes pages, which features Sikkens customers from all around the world. Yon an also print a copy of the poster to provide an effective promotional tool associating your business with the strength of the Sikkens brand.