A new angle on 4x4’s

October 27, 2008
A new angle on 4x4’s

Toyota is bringing a TV commercial to life to promote its Cruiser 200 Prado, at the Johannesburg Auto Show. As well as its normal in hall displays, the company has brought in a giant seesaw ramp, on which to demonstrate the climbing and grip ability of the 4x4. Called the Prado ramp it is set at a 43° angle. Specialist Toyota drivers will take passengers up the sharp incline and stop near the top. The ramp then tilts like a seesaw bringing the Land cruiser back down to earth.

This may sound hair raising enough for the many drivers who dread hill starts, until you realise that the ramp used is modelled on one first shown in a Russian Toyota TV commercial, which used the same stunt but with the end of the ramp suspended over a thousand foot high cliff. You see the Prado ramp in action on YouTube.

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