Parts information provider TecAlliance has introduced a new innovation which it says can unlock the information contained within the vehicle identification number (VIN) given to every vehicle during its manufacture. The new VIN Decoder works with all vehicles, including commercials, and offers the potential to save a huge amount of time and increase accuracy in parts identification and ordering.
Shaun Greasley, Commercial Director of TecAlliance says, “The development of the VIN Decoder is the culmination of thousands of man-hours of labour and along with many other benefits, it provides users of the TecDoc CATALOG electronic parts identification and cataloguing system, with a very useful alternative search tool.” He adds, “Alongside the existing make, model, year and VRM search methods, the VIN Decoder allows them the option of using the vehicle’s VIN number to accurately identify the vehicle for which the replacement part is required, along with the subsequent suppliers of that part.”
Shaun points out that this level of individual vehicle identification allows the CATALOG system to pinpoint the right part, first time and is particularly useful in those instances when vehicles with a chassis number up to 234002 for example, are fitted with a part that differs from the one fitted to those from 234003 onwards. He comments, “There are many examples of this phenomenon, which is why CV factors using less refined cataloguing systems have to revert to the policy of sending workshops multiple parts to cover the possible options and then hope that the parts not required are undamaged during the returns process and can be returned to stock.”
Shaun also highlights some other benefits, “Using the TecVINFILTER option, CV installers and fleet workshops with a TecRMI licence can access service, repair, recall and time allocation information for manufacturers including IVECO, MAN, Mercedes Benz, Scania and Volvo. By using the VIN, alongside a secondary search criterion such as the engine code, they can identify the vehicle on which they are working in the most efficient manor.”
For more information about TecDoc or TecRMI, please contact Shaun Greasley on: 0044-1829- 752888.