Apec enhances online catalogue

July 17, 2017
Apec enhances online catalogue

Apec Braking has made changes to its online catalogue to enhance the user experience and make product identification quicker and easier.

In the search criteria a Select Engine Size option has been added which enables the user to go direct to the engine size of choice rather displaying all options. This reduces the list of models displayed significantly and makes the selection process faster.

The search by part number option has now been made dynamic, so when the part number starts to be entered, options will be shown. The function allows searches by Part Size PADs, DSKs, SHUs, DRMs and LCA / RCAs.

Additionally the compare parts function has been increased to compare up to 4 parts at once and technical bulletin links have been added to part information. Whenever a part is clicked into, if the TECHMATE logo appears it will be a live link to a relevant bulletin in a new tab.

The catalogue can be accessed at www.apecbraking.co.uk.
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