Audi A4 - Window stuck wide open

September 15, 2021
Audi A4 - Window stuck wide open The wire beneath the rubber boot had failed between the door and body

The driver’s window on this 2005 Audi A4 had been a bit sluggish operating for a while, and the owner was worried that it was something she had done. The window, of course, failed in the open position. She said it appeared to be a bit tight as it went down for the last time, but then refused to go back up again.

The failure had nothing to do with the window mechanism at all. After removing the door panel and checking out the motor and regulator, everything was found to be in a good working condition.

The breakdown was down to a wiring fault in the door wiring loom. Years of opening and closing the driver’s door had resulted in a wire in the loom between the door and the body breaking. Wiring only has so much flexing ability, and we see this on quite a few vehicles as age begins to creep in.

Soldering a new length of wire into the loom was all that was needed to restore full operation to the driver’s window.

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