German customs officials and other agencies were very active at the Automechanika trade fair in Frankfurt, clamping down on counterfeit products and copyright infringements. Working with the support of several key original component suppliers, officials raided a number of stands, including those of some well-known European brand names.
Goods, which were suspected of being counterfeit or in violation of copyright, were confiscated and many prosecutions are expected to result from the action. In relation to counterfeit products 89 stands were visited and 126 seizures made. Many more items were also confiscated in relations to customs duty violations and some arrests were m made in relation to non-payment of duty.
Parts seized included many automotive filters, wiper parts, vehicle lighting, engine parts and many other components. Most of these goods came from China, but suppliers from Taiwan, Turkey, India, Malaysia and Brazil were also affected.
This positive action was welcomed by many original equipment parts manufacturers, some of which had instigated the raids. These companies spend millions on product research and development each year for the overall benefit of the automotive industry. This type of investment can only continue if proper protection against counterfeit products and copyright infringements is in place and enforced strictly.