In the December/January edition of Autobiz, we published an article that questioned the sustainability of the body repair sector in Ireland, if current trends continue and highlighted serious concerns about repair quality, future investment and consumer choice in the bodyshop sector.
The article concluded with a call to action from bodyshop owner Alan Mears, who appealed to like-minded bodyshops to make contact with him to form a bodyshop action group, to address the competition situation and other pressing issues, as well as give the body repair sector better representation. He says that since the call he has been contacted by many repairers who also feel the industry is heading down a very dangerous road and must take action to protect its future. He comments, "I have had calls from concerned bodyshop operators from all over Ireland, including many very sizeable repairers. They have serious concerns over the direction of the industry and most pressingly the unsustainability of current labour rates.” He adds, "If anything the situation has got worse in past two months. I am hearing of labour rates as low as €30 per hour, with numerous free add on services and other discounts also expected. This is totally unacceptable for the highly skilled and complex work that needs to be performed, to maintain the required standards of repair quality and safety.”
Alan has also been in contact with the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission and called for the body to review recent developments to see if they breach guidelines on anti-competitive practice. He comments, "I am in dialogue with the Commission and the complaint is ongoing.”
Other issues where Alan and the action group feel action needs to be taken, are in establishing an industry wide consumer complaints procedure, to tackle poor quality workmanship and in working with independent vehicle assessors in helping the insurance industry tackle the growing issue of "crash for cash” fraud.
Alan says, "Regardless of their size, location or their insurance company connections, I feel it is vital that bodyshops come together to protect the body repair sector. The future of every bodyshop business in Ireland is now under threat and bodyshop owners must take action now.”
To contact Alan and support the action group please call 086-254-0741, through his linkedin page or