Damage to the brake pads can cause adverse and undesirable effects, along with accelerated brake wear and reduced performance. This pictorial guide from Bosch shows some more common damage types, along with recommendations to correct the cause of the brake pad damage.
If the cause of the abnormal wear is not corrected, the abnormal wear will continue and damage the replacement brake pads.
Conical wear – vertical or horizontal Causes Worn brake caliper seals and/or spring
Excessive operating clearance of the caliper
Effects Premature brake pad wear
Braking noise
Recommendation Check the brake caliper and replace if necessary
Replace the brake pads
Wear on one side only Causes Brake caliper and/or brake caliper piston is blocked
Guiding of the caliper does not work properly
Effects Vehicle pulls to one side during braking
Faster and/or uneven brake pad wear
Recommendation Check the brake caliper and replace if necessary
Replace the brake pads
Grooves and scoring in the friction material Causes Dust or metal particles on the contact surface of the brake pad or brake disc
Scratches on the surface of the brake disc
Effects Braking noise
Vibration during braking
Affected braking efficiency
Recommendation Check the brake disc and replace if necessary
Replace the brake pads
Cracks or broken edges in the friction material Cause Extreme heat buildup due to constant contact between the brake pad and brake disc
Bending of the brake pad backing plate
Brake caliper or brake caliper piston is blocked
Effects Braking noise
Vehicle pulls to one side during braking
Overheating on one wheel
Uneven brake pad wear
Recommendation Check the brake caliper and replace if necessary
Replace the brake pads
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