Car Sales Show Slight Increase in July

August 03, 2012
Car Sales Show Slight Increase in July Alan Nolan, Director General of SIMI

New car sales were 352 units (9%) up in July this year (4,431) compared to July last year (4,079). Sales over the first 7 months of the year are down 10,093 units (-12%) to 71,065 compared to last year (81,158).

Alan Nolan, Director General of SIMI says the increase shows that there is still value out there for consumers who are taking advantage of strong offers from the Industry.

"There is no doubt that the current level of sales is being driven by the Industry seeking to prolong the selling season and car buyers are continuing to benefit from this with great value out there at the moment. This modest increase in July, compared to post Scrappage trading in July last year, needs to be put in the context of a market at relatively low levels overall."

"The current level of marketing activity and special offers from the Industry clearly underlines the challenge of seasonality in the sector which we have to work very hard to overcome. Up to 70% of new cars are sold in the first four months of the year so sales activity for the remainder of the year would be extremely low if the Industry did not continue to work at delivering strong value offers to potential buyers to drive further sales, particularly during the summer months. The hugely disruptive impact of seasonality is one of the most serious challenges facing the Motor Industry which is exacerbated in a period of economic downturn. A change to the Registration system to provide for two distinct registration periods per year (January to June and July to December), would address this problem and protect jobs and businesses by spreading sales more evenly through the year. It would also benefit car buyers who purchase later in the year by more clearly identifying these cars for valuation purposes."

The figures
July 2012: 4,431 new cars (24% petrol, 74% diesel, 1.35% electric, 0.9% hybrid, 0.16% flexi fuel)

July 2011: 4,079 new cars (25% petrol, 74% diesel, 0.15% electric, 0.78% hybrid, 0.32% flexi fuel)

YTD 2012: 71,065 new cars (23% petrol, 74% diesel, 0.17% electric, 0.78% hybrid, 1.68% flexi fuel)

YTD 2011: 81,158 new cars (27% petrol, 71% diesel, 0.05% electric, 0.54% hybrid, 1.62% flexi fuel)
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