Changing face of spark plugs

May 30, 2011
Changing face of spark plugs NGK Spark Plugs (UK) Ltd technical services manager Tim Howes, addresses IMI members

The changing face of spark plug technology over the years has been highlighted by NGK Spark Plugs (UK) Ltd, during a technical presentation to members of the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI).

At the event, NGK’s technical services manager Tim Howes, explained how the company met the challenge of dealing with the requirements of its motor industry customers and the world of motor sport.

Today’s new European-market cars have to meet ever more severe emission limits while, at the same time, the VMs continue to worry about fuel consumption. An engine design team therefore, has to work very closely with a spark plug manufacturer from the earliest stage of development.

Tim said: “Spark plugs are in some respects a simple product, but have to deal with very demanding conditions and exacting requirements. They have a dramatic effect on vehicle performance and manufacturers are becoming ever more demanding on what they require for each bespoke model.”

IMI members were shown a range of spark plugs used on a variety of vehicles with differing demands, from plugs used in every-day road cars, through to racing cars and motor bikes.
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