Providing customers with a post winter vehicle check is a tried and trusted method of generating business for a garage and this year, it is something that takes on even greater importance.
With many vehicles being used only sparingly during COVID-19 restrictions, or in some cases not at all, they may have avoided the high mileage rigours of winter roads, but limited use may also have created a whole range of other issues that need to be addressed. This means it is sensible and potentially profitable to offer a
Post Lockdown Vehicle Check that is either free, or perhaps includes some basic maintenance, such as fluid tops ups at an attractive fixed price.
By doing such checks, a garage can benefit from work that needs to be done as a direct result of the checks and this can be substantial. It also provides some other important benefits. Firstly, it can reinitiate contact with customers who, because of low mileage, may not return for a service for some considerable time. Secondly, it has the potential to initiate contact with potential new customers and thirdly, it can create some good up-selling opportunities, which are much easier to discuss once the customer is engaged.
Here are suggested checks to carry out on the vehicle: TYRES - Tread depth and pressure. Also TPMS operation where appropriate. WHEEL CHECK - Are alloys damaged? Is there potential for cleaning, repair, and refurbishment? BATTERY TEST - Lack of use means many batteries need maintenance or replacement. This check is key after lockdown and can avoid the inconvenience of a non-start situation. COOLANT/ANTIFREEZE - Check and top- up where appropriate. WINDSCREEN WIPERS INSPECTION - Lack of use may mean blades may have perished or split. SCREEN WASH CHECK & TOP UP - Customers will notice and appreciate the use of a high quality screen wash. LIGHTING CHECK - With bulb replacement where required. Can you up-sell to safer more powerful bulbs? OIL CHECK - Top-up where needed. AD BLUE CHECK - Top-up where needed. A/C SYSTEM - Check performance with potential for top-up, servicing and cleaning. ELECTRIC WINDOWS CHECK - Prolonged lack of use has created problems with some regulators. VEHICLE SANITISING - If your garage has an interior vehicle sanitising machine then you could perhaps offer this as a chargeable service when the vehicle check is booked.
To download a copy of the Vehicle Check List, click HERE Of course the key to making lockdown vehicle checks a success is effective promotion. Creative use of social media is perhaps the most effective and economical ways of doing this. An email to customers, with their permission, may also be effective, as can a sign or banner for a garage in a prominent location.
Once a customer books a vehicle check and it is completed, then it is important to take them through what has been found step by step and be able to offer them priced solutions to any problems that may arise. It is also important to talk to the customer about their vehicle, about how it has been used recently and to ask questions that may lead to service up-sell opportunities, something that will be covered in future Autobiz E-Newsletters.