E-TECH offers innovative opportunities

November 02, 2018
E-TECH offers innovative opportunities

Recently introduced to the Irish market E-TECH ENGINEERING is already making its mark with a range that features innovative, premium products that have been created for car enthusiasts.

The emphasis is on combining products that offer quality with affordability, so that when customers buy items with the E-TECH logo they can be confident they are getting high performance and keen value. The range covers styling products, restoration products through to Pro Class detailing and valeting, with all items featuring clear user instructions.

One of the most popular lines in the range is the E-TECH Brake Caliper Paint Kits. This is a one part paint system which requires no mixing or priming, making it easy to apply. It has a fast drying formula and provides a highly durable, high quality, lustre finish that will enhance the look of brake calipers and drums.

The paint is available in 18 popular colours and is heat rated up to 220°C. Each kit contains everything required for the perfect caliper finish including a 500ml E-TECH Brake Cleaner Aerosol, brush and resealable 250ml tin of E-TECH Brake Caliper Paint.

Due to the popularity of its products, E-TECH ENGINEERING is looking to find new motor factor and retail stockists across Ireland. Anyone interested in offering these attractive and potentially lucrative lines should contact Stephen Glendinning on 087-266-1157 or Auto Inparts on 00-44 (0)1525 382713 or sales@autoinparts.com.


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