ELVES has published its annual report for 2020, detailing an unprecedented year because of the pandemic and highlighting how , Authorised Treatment Facilities (ATFs) remained operational throughout various restrictions.
Authorised Treatment Facilities were classed as an essential waste service and remained open and operational throughout, not only for the acceptance and collection of End-of-Life Vehicles, but also for the supply of quality second-hand parts. Additionally, metal re-processors also remained open to process the metal from the ATFs.
“The volume of ELVs has decreased, reflecting what has happened to our society and economy during 2020, but we really appreciate the efforts of the ATFs in remaining open and providing a valuable service”, said Fiacra Quinn, CEO of ELVES.
In 2019, the year for which we have validated data, there were 64 ATFs in the Network. While the Network handled 67% of all ELVs in the country that year, ELVES met the national targets of 85% reuse and recycling and 95% overall, when recovery is included, for 100% of ELVs in Ireland.
Elena Wrelton of ELVES commented, “Although 2020 targets will prove challenging, we know the ELVES Network has met the reuse, recycling and recovery targets and expect this to have a very positive impact on the national figures. Initial indications from the data provided by the Network and the metal re-processors demonstrate a buoyant market in recovered materials, which is very promising.”
Alongside ELVES’ core activities with its ATF Network, the Annual Report details the progress made on increasing public awareness in a year when normal communications channels, like public events, were upended. Not stopping in its mission to improve the recycling of ELVs now and in the future, the Report also looks at progress made through Electric ELVES, the programme to support the takeback of electric vehicle batteries for recycling.
In addition to battery recycling, at the start of 2020 ELVES was able to offer in-person electric and hybrid awareness training to ATF staff under the Electric ELVES programme. With restrictions in place, this was suspended. The Electric ELVES training has gone online during 2021 and will be further supplemented with F-Gas training, a qualification required for the handling of mobile air-conditioning gases in vehicles.
The 2020 Annual Report can be read here: https://www.elves.ie/About-Elves