Galway Publisher scoops Reynolds Award

June 18, 2013
Galway Publisher scoops Reynolds Award Arthur Jolley (left) presents Tom Heavey with the Reynolds Trophy at the recent Picnic In the Park in Marley Park, Dublin, which is organised jointly by the RIAC and the IVVCC.

This week the coveted Reynolds Trophy, which is presented by the RIAC Archive to the person or persons who make the greatest contribution to the preservation of Irish motoring or motorcycle history has been awarded for 2013 to Tom Heavey, Managing Editor of Irish Vintage Scene Magazine.

Tom Heavy’s outstanding contribution to the old vehicle movement made him the unanimous choice of the Royal Irish Automobile Club Archive Committee, who present the trophy annually.

The trophy was awarded to Tom by Arthur Jolley, Chairman of the RIAC Archive Committee, at the ‘Picnic in the Park’ event in Marley Park, Dublin, organised jointly by the RIAC and the Irish Veteran & Vintage Car Club.

Arthur Jolley commented: “I’m delighted to see Tom’s excellent work on behalf of the old vehicle movement recognised by the presentation of this prestigious award”

On receiving the trophy, Tom Heavey said: “I am delighted to become the fourth recipient of the Reynolds Trophy, and I consider it an honour to receive an award from the RIAC Archive, who I hold in very high regard. It is awards like this that make worthwhile all the effort and time that my team and I put into our publications. I enjoy what I do, and hope to continue to promote the preservation of old vehicles for a long time to come.”

Irish Vintage Scene Magazine was first published in mid-2006, and since then has become Ireland’s leading monthly publication for old vehicle owners and enthusiasts. Uniquely in the motoring magazine marketplace, Irish Vintage Scene caters for all types of vintage vehicles, ranging from classic cars and motorcycles to vintage tractors and commercial vehicles, and enjoys close ties with the Irish collectable vehicle movement. Despite not coming from a publishing background, founder and Managing Editor Tom Heavey has steered Irish Vintage Scene to a dominant position in the Irish motoring magazine sector, and was awarded the JCI Galway Young Entrepreneur of the Year title in 2007.

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