Genuine parts – Genuine value

November 09, 2011
Genuine parts – Genuine value

Mitsubishi Motors Ireland has expanded the review of the retail prices and discount rates of their Genuine Parts range. As a result, the discount rates offered on body / crash parts will increase while the retail prices are reduced.

When there are repairs or maintenance to be carried out on their vehicle, owner’s focus on one thing above all others – price. Mitsubishi Motors’ ongoing review of their parts pricing, allows the trade access to competitive discount rates from the their dealer network.

Some examples of the new price reductions - retail price of a rear lamp for a Pajero CK (2000-20006) and a headlamp kit for a Colt (2004-2009) have been reduced by over 10%, with a trade discount of up to 15% now available.  Mitsubishi Motors claim that even before the retail price reductions, these parts were significantly cheaper than the non-genuine part options.

They are keen to provide the best price and quality on their genuine parts and, through their review of their retail and trade prices, are attempting to ensuring that vehicle owners and the parts trade consider Mitsubishi Motors Genuine Parts above non-genuine options.

Commenting on the continued review of its parts offering, Kim Kilduff, new Aftersales Manager said: "While Mitsubishi Motors Genuine Parts are the best fit for our vehicles, offer the best performance and are backed by a two-year manufacturers warranty, price obviously remains a key issue for trade customers and owners alike. While our pricing is already very competitive, this new pricing structure for body/crash repairs will help to further re-enforce that.”

She continued: “We have gotten feedback from customers, the parts trade and our dealer network and will continue to benchmark our offering and pricing against the competition, to ensure we are providing not only the best product, but also the best pricing."

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