Senior Traffic Police officers from all over Europe, including members of An An Garda Síochána gather in Manchester on Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 October for the annual conference of TISPOL, the European Traffic Police Network.
As part of its support for the European target of halving road deaths by 2020, TISPOL will use the Conference platform to call for better protection of vulnerable road users, with greater efforts to rid Europe’s roads of the most dangerous drivers.
Other conference messages include:
Road safety targets are good. They unite all those groups working to reduce death and injury on Europe’s roads.
We want to see political will restored across Europe, and a commitment from governments to avoid any further cuts to policing resources.
This will allow police officers to enforce existing laws, investigate collisions effectively, and identify and sanction the most dangerous drivers.
The result will be significant and sustained reductions in road deaths and injuries.
TISPOL President and Garda Chief Superintendent, Aidan Reid comments: “Traffic police have a vital role to play in reducing deaths and serious injuries on the roads of Europe. Central to this is the task of identifying and sanctioning those drivers who pose unacceptably high risks. They may be disqualified, uninsured, or simply have a flagrant disregard for the rules of the road which are there to help keep everyone safe.
“Robust systems are in place to deal with high-end offenders, but there needs to be effective enforcement and consistent, tough sentencing in order to provide a worthwhile deterrent.”
Senior police officers, academics, policy makers and other road safety professionals will consider a range of specific issues during the two-day conference, including:
Safer driving in later life
Fatigue in emergency service drivers
Police strategies to reduce motorcycle casualties
Safer cycle commuter journeys
Women drivers, alcohol and increased vulnerability
Aidan Reid concludes: “TISPOL is the most effective police road safety network in the world. This year’s Conference will make a vital contribution to ensuring that those working in European road safety maintain the momentum that has been established so effectively in recent years, in order to deliver even better results to 2020 and beyond.”