HELLA Ireland has partnered with ERA, a leading supplier of engine management components, to offer its customers access to a comprehensive and high quality range of EGR Valves.
These components are increasingly in demand. Over time these valves can stick or seize leading to engine problems such as poor idling, stalling or knocking. EGR valve issues can also lead to expensive turbo charger problems and in some cases the need for premature replacement.
HELLA Ireland is now offering a growing range of ERA valves which is available to view in the HELLA Webcat. Vehicle manufacturers currently covered by the range include, Audi, Citroen, Daewoo, Ford, Hyundai, Kia, Opel, Peugeot, Renault and Volkswagen, with the application coverage still expanding.
For more information on the EGA valve range call the HELLA Ireland sales team on 01-862-0000 or click online at www.hellaonline.ie.