MINI Cooper - Leaking coolant

December 13, 2022
MINI Cooper - Leaking coolant The housing is quite tricky to access and it is always best to fit a new unit to prevent any further issues

Having just acquired a 2008 Mini Cooper 1.6 petrol, one of my regular customers was pretty happy with her purchase and bought it along for me to have a look at. It was a bargain buy and she was pleased with the feel of the motor.

Her delight soured a little when she got to me and I went to have a look at the engine, as I opened the bonnet a small cloud of steam escaped. I could see the disheartened look on her face. Reassuring her that this may not be serious, I had a closer look at the area the steam was coming from, and saw that it was from around the thermostat housing. The large plastic unit was leaking around the seal, and I knew from past experience that once these housings begin to leak, they are either distorted or cracked and the only answer is to fit a new unit.

The owner agreed and accepted that even after paying for the new housing, the motor was pretty good value and she was happy with the purchase.

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