With cost saving now vital for garages the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published an updated version of the Smart Garage guide, outlining areas where garages can reduce costs while also protecting the environment.
The guide deals with the main day-to-day operations of a typical garage under the headings of waste, water, energy, documentation and legislation. For waste, water and energy, best practice options are outlined and the documentation required to comply with the corresponding relevant legislation is also detailed.
Waste Garages produce many different hazardous and non-hazardous waste products and the Smart Garage Guide outlines applicable laws and how best to manage the different waste streams. By doing this a workshop can cut down on the amount of waste produced, save money and make sure a it is not liable to prosecution.
The guide highlights the importance of correct waste segregation, ensuring that hazardous wastes such as oil, batteries and used oil filters are dealt with appropriately, while other waste is also separated into recycling and mixed waste to reduce disposal costs. It also highlights the importance of water tight storage of all waste and of recovering metal waste which can have value.
Water The guide also shows how water use can be cut with water saving devices in bathrooms and kitchen and savings that can be made during vehicle washing.
Energy Energy reduction is of course key at present and the guide highlights how simple savings can be made. For example, LED lighting offers very significant savings over traditional incandescent, fluorescent and halogen lights. Compressed air is another significant energy cost. Here the guide provides advice on reducing use and the importance of fixing leaks.
Documentation & Legislation Under this section the guide shows how to comply with regulations ensuring that waste disposal operators are appropriately licensed. It also provides advice on conforming to waste management of tyres.
Details on how a garage can correctly manage wastes and save money, are available at www.epa.ie using the search box to find the Smart Garage Guide or by scanning the OR code.