Vehicle history expert CARTELL.IE has reported that annual mileage in newer cars is increasing as the country’s economic recovery continues. The average annualised mileage travelled by a car 5 years-of-age or less in 2016 is 21,028 KMs. This represents an increase of 7.1% over the equivalent figure for 2008 (19,635 KMs).
The studies believes that the reasoning behind this increase may include, a shift towards more economical diesel encouraging greater mileage and two household cars using the newer vehicle for the bulk of journeys.
John Byrne, Legal and PR Manager at says, “What makes the results interesting is that between 2003 and 2008 the economy was performing well throughout most of that period so we might have been expecting to see a decline in mileage in newer cars since then. It’s difficult to say with certainty why we’re seeing an increase. Possibly the buying trend towards diesel engines has encouraged buyers to use their car more – buoyed by the fact that costs are lower relatively. Another possibility is that finance in the market may have been harder to obtain for some between 2011 and 2016 and those who purchased a newer car then may have had a more definite purpose in mind for their use – work purposes for example.”