New Electrostatic discharge service kit from Laser Tools 

May 24, 2022
New Electrostatic discharge service kit from Laser Tools 

Laser Tools has introduced a portable ESD (electrostatic discharge) Service Kit (part number 8285) for use when working on sensitive electronics without causing damage through electrostatic discharge. 

The comprehensive kit includes a vinyl static-dissipative mat with two integral pockets, a vinyl storage pouch, an adjustable wristband with coiled earth lead, and a 3-metre straight earth lead. 

Also new is the Earth Bonding Point Plug (part number 8315) is for use with the ESD anti-static service mat which allows the earth lead (or grounding cord) to be attached easily and safely to the mains earth via a standard plug socket. It features two 4mm sockets and one 10mm stud.

Built-up electrostatic can cause damage to or entirely erase important information or magnetic data from electronics and other sensitive equipment. When connected up to the earth bonding point, the vinyl electrostatic-dissipative mat grounds any built-up static energy without running the risk of channeling the charge to sensitive or vulnerable equipment and materials. 

These products are now available from your Laser Tools stockist. 
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