New Soltec Body Filler range

December 08, 2015
New Soltec Body Filler range<br />

Soltec has introduced a new range of Body Filler products which it believes can raise the bar in product performance in this important field.

The company says it has have selected a range of body fillers that it feels will lead the market in performance whilst also providing excellent value for money. The introduction comes after extensive product research and market analysis.

The new products have been rigorously tested and Soltec says have been found to outperform all the major competitors in the market, in a number of key areas such as having the ideal consistency and spreadability which makes for better mixing and application. This reduces pin holing during the filler process.

The Soltec fillers are also fast curing, allowing the end user to complete the task quicker. The products also offer excellent sanding properties allowing for a significant reduction in over all repair time, thus boosting profitability.

The fillers are available in light and ultra lightweight formulations and with a Fibreglass filler also on offer. These products will be introduced at the start of 2016.

For more information call Soltec on 044-9335133 
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