NGK backs Max Coates in virtual racing series

May 19, 2020
NGK backs Max Coates in virtual racing series

Ignition specialist NGK is supporting leading driver Max Coates who is competing in an NGK car in the PowerMaxed eSeries and is also set to race in the MINI CHALLENGE Official eSeries which is due to get underway on May 23rd.

Max said of the PowerMaxed eSeries, “The first rounds have been tough but I’m slowly moving up the grid. I’ve been involved in the organising of the MINI CHALLENGE eSeries and will also be competing in the same livery as the one I was due to race in the real-world series. NGK are also an eSeries sponsor. As such the NGK logo has been included on the website, live stream of races and will be featured on social media posts where possible. We’ve had a great response and have a full grid of 35 cars entered for round one and a prize pool in excess of £20k.”

Max added, “I am live streaming quite a bit of the racing online, including the PMR eSeries, the MINI CHALLENGE UK Official eSeries and select one-off races. The live streams to Facebook have all had a few hundred views each and usually end up near 1000 views after a few days.”

Mark Hallam, Marketing Manager, NGK Spark Plugs said, “Thousands of motorsport fans have been starved of their favourite pastime because of the COVID-19 pandemic but many of them are increasingly  tuning in to virtual racing series until live racing is safe to return.”

You can follow Max on Facebook at /

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