According to shocking new figures released by the Road Safety Authority (RSA), in the first six months of 2012, 23% of drivers killed and 29% of passengers killed were not wearing seatbelts, at the time of the collision. The information is based on preliminary data supplied by An Garda Siochana. A worrying feature is the number of people who were not wearing a seatbelt and who were ejected from the vehicle.
Mr. Noel Brett, Chief Executive, RSA said, "Putting on a seatbelt only takes a few seconds and it's something we do automatically. Despite this, and the fact that the overwhelming majority of people in this country wear a seatbelt, we have an overall wearing rate of 95%, there is a minority who are willing to put their lives at risk by not wearing one. Why? Is it because they believe it's their personal choice, they just cant be bothered or perhaps they think they look cool in front of their friends?"
Mr. Brett concluded, "While not wearing a seatbelt is not cool, it is a selfish act, neither is it a matter of personal choice. If you do not wear a seatbelt you become a potential killer in a crash. You will be thrown around the inside of a car, possibly seriously injuring or killing other occupants in the car. Quite simply, without a seatbelt you're a killer."
By not wearing a seatbelt you risk a fine of €80 and two penalty points, which remain on your licence for three years. Passengers over 17 can be fined €80 for not wearing a seatbelt.
The Gardai are issuing an average of 1,300 Fixed Charged Notices each month in 2012 to drivers for seatbelt offences. They issued almost 16,000 notices for seatbelt offences in 2011.