O'Brien increases his lead in the Supercar Championship

May 23, 2016
O'Brien increases his lead in the Supercar Championship Andy O'Brien, Supercar Championship Leader

For rounds three and four of their 2016 series, the Tool Dynamics Supercar Championship visited the super fast Bishopscourt circuit in Northern Ireland.

With the championship organisers having recently announced the championship prize as an end of season drive in the Dutch Supercar Championship, all drivers were keen to claim as many points as possible when the 220bhp spaceframe machines took to the track.

Reigning champion Peter Barrable, keen to put his title defence back on track after a non finish at Mondello Park in the opening rounds, claimed the all important pole position, just ahead of the thus far unbeaten Andy O'Brien.

When the lights changed, O'Brien got the nose ahead and Sam Moffatt, from the second row, also got ahead of Barrable on the run to turn one. O'Brien immediately pulled put a small gap but after a short battle, Barrable established himself in second and began to chip away at the gap to O'Brien. Soon the pair circulated as one, and after the lead changed on a number of occasions, it was Barrable who took the honours, O'Brien encountering fuel surge issues in the late stages. Sam Moffett was third from Bob Cameron and Alan Kessie.

Barrable got the jump off the line in race two, but a determined O'Brien was back ahead by the end of the lap and that's the way it stayed for the duration, with Moffett again completing the podium. Impressive newcomer Barry Hallion was fourth, his car having been extensively rebuilt in the paddock after a race one crash.

These results see O'Brien increase his series lead but when dropped scores come into play, regning champion Barrable is still very much in the game. Cameron, Moffett, Alan Kessie and Dan Rooney make up the top six.
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