GS Yuasa has launched operations at a newly-opened Inci GS Yuasa lead acid storage battery plant. The new plant, located at Manisa, Turkey, is aimed at producing high-performance lead acid storage batteries for environmentally friendly vehicles, such as those with Start-Stop technology and emission reduction systems.
Worldwide demand for these vehicles is set to grow rapidly and Inci GS Yuasa, a subsidiary of Inci Holding and GS Yuasa, plan to reach production capacity of two million units per year. Including the output of the existing plant, GS Yuasa aims to reach a total combined production capacity of 6 million units per year by 2022.
Andrew Taylor, Managing Director & CEO of GS Yuasa Battery Europe Ltd, said, “This is a significant and major investment for GS Yuasa and one which will provide an excellent technological platform to help meet the increasing performance, quality and supply demands of the automotive markets.”
James Hylton, Managing Director of GS Yuasa Battery Sales UK Ltd, added, “GS Yuasa’s investment in the advanced technology plant in Turkey is an important milestone. It will meet demand for Start-Stop batteries as well as help to reinforce GS Yuasa’s leading position in the global battery market.”