Presidents prize at the K Club

November 17, 2011
Presidents prize at the K Club Society President John O’Hanlon, presenting David Dempsey, Crown Paints with the Captain’s Prize

The Motor Factor Golfing Society held its President’s Day outing at The K Club in Co. Kildare on Friday the 16th of September.

Society President John O’Hanlon (National Autoparts ) and Society Hon Sec’ Mark Lawless (PPG Paints) welcomed one of the largest group of players, with a total of 60 golfers attending. The weather on the day could have been kinder, but this did not hinder the spirit of all that travelled from the various counties. At the 9th, players were treated to refreshments and burgers, compliments of Qualvecom Ltd.

Society President John O’Hanlon was very pleased to present his prize to David Dempsey (Crown Paints), who returned a score of 38pts off a h/cap of 20.

David Dempsey expressed his gratitude to the Society Hon’Sec’ Mark Lawless and the committee for all the work they put into the organising and planning of the day. He also thanked most sincerely the continued support and sponsorship from the Wholesale Distributors and especially Qualvecom Ltd and National Autoparts, for their on-course refreshments and starter packs.

Society Captain for 2012, John Mannion, retired MD of Mannion Motor Parts Galway, reported the date for his Captains prize to be Friday 18th May 2012 at Athlone Golf Club, and urged all members to book early, as this will be a great day out.

For information on membership and timesheet reservations, contact Mark Lawless at 087-244-1434 or email

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