Elite triathlete and Rio Olympic hopeful, Bryan Keane was geared up and ready to go today to announce Renault's three year partnership as the 'Official Vehicle of Triathlon Ireland'.
Bryan took time out of his busy training sessions to team up with Lynne Boucher, Marketing Manager Renault Group Ireland, Chris Kitchen, CEO Triathlon Ireland and members of the junior South Dublin Pulse Triathlon
Club to launch this new partnership which will see leading car manufacturer Renault Ireland supply the National Governing Body with a fleet of vehicles to include three Renault Capturs and a Master van.
Lynne Boucher, Marketing Manager, Renault Group Ireland commented "It's fantastic to see the growth and interest in Triathlon in Ireland over the last few years."
"We're delighted to be on board for the next three years as the official vehicle of Triathlon Ireland, with 3 Capturs and a Master Van on the Triathlon Ireland fleet."
"The Captur in particular is a great fit with Triathlon Ireland. Triathletes are all about adventure, dedication and endurance and Captur is known for its unwillingness to compromise between style and performance as well as its reliability, with a 5 year warranty as standard. We're looking forward to the three years ahead!"