With workshops looking to make savings on repairs and also protect the environment at present, one simple and effective means of doing this is the use of induction heat.
Induction Innovations has presented some compelling reasons why induction heat now makes more sense than ever, saving time, money and energy in the workshop.
Induction Innovations manufactures high-powered, high-frequency induction heating tools which are highly effective and reduce the need for harmful and increasingly expensive solvents. Induction heat eliminates or greatly reduces the need for these solvents, while improving air quality. The result, using induction heat, is an easy release and the adhesive stays with the colder part (the graphic, emblem, decal, etc.) leaving a clean surface behind.
Another important consideration is that torches and heat guns are not energy efficient. Much of the heat and energy generated dissipates before it reaches the workload. Induction heating tools are energy efficient and free from hazardous emissions. This flameless heat is localised so technicians can use it near brake lines, fuel lines, and combustible material.
Using induction heating tools reduces or eliminates the user's need for a propane torch, meaning big savings on gas and consumables. By not using gas torches there is also the potential to save on insurance premiums.
Induction Innovations’ tools also allow users to salvage parts that may otherwise be discarded and create a much safer working environment.
Save money and go green with Induction Innovations
With workshops looking to make savings on repairs and also protect the environment at present, one simple and effective means of doing this is the use of induction heat.
Induction Innovations has presented some compelling reasons why induction heat now makes more sense than ever, saving time, money and energy in the workshop.
Induction Innovations manufactures high-powered, high-frequency induction heating tools which are highly effective and reduce the need for harmful and increasingly expensive solvents. Induction heat eliminates or greatly reduces the need for these solvents, while improving air quality. The result, using induction heat, is an easy release and the adhesive stays with the colder part (the graphic, emblem, decal, etc.) leaving a clean surface behind.
Another important consideration is that torches and heat guns are not energy efficient. Much of the heat and energy generated dissipates before it reaches the workload. Induction heating tools are energy efficient and free from hazardous emissions. This flameless heat is localised so technicians can use it near brake lines, fuel lines, and combustible material.
Using induction heating tools reduces or eliminates the user's need for a propane torch, meaning big savings on gas and consumables. By not using gas torches there is also the potential to save on insurance premiums.
Induction Innovations’ tools also allow users to salvage parts that may otherwise be discarded and create a much safer working environment.
For more information visit www.theinductor.co.uk Ph: +44(0)1953-859-138