Techplus is making an offer very few can refuse. It’s very simple, wheel in your old Wheel Aligner and in exchange for the latest state-of the art Hofmann geoliner 550 prism model you will get up to €2,500 scrappage.
A recent survey shows that as much as 48% of all vehicles tested by the NCT this year to-date have Failed the test. Wheel alignment and related problems accounted for a large percentage of these failures.
Brian O’Neill MD of Techplus is a specialist in this area as he talked to Autobiz about the next generation in Wheel Alignment. For example, the Geoliner 550 Prism comes with “Digital Imaging, 3D Animated Graphics, Mobile Terminal with 19” wide-screen monitor, PC with Windows and a Colour Printer plus the gear. Brian accepts that some garages and tyre specialists may have “old type systems” but there is a need to move on and up-grade to the latest technology, which, lets face it will make the job on hand easier and absolutely accurate.
The Hofmann geoliner 550 prism uses front-wheel targets and rear-wheel pods (POrtable Devices) to carry out the alignment process. With two-camera technology the optical communication on the front axle cannot be interrupted, hence there is no need for a spoiler adaptor. The geoliner 550 prism is especially flexible as it can be used in different workshop bays. The special measurement technology allows alignment of vehicles having a long wheelbase; so one single aligner is sufficient for alignment of vehicles ranging from the Smart Car to Vans. Vehicle specifications are sourced directly from the OEM’s and are therefore complete, up to date and correct, on the whole the specifications of more than 25,000 models of the past 25 years are available.
Brain told Autobiz that the offer has been a great success and that AutoBiz readers were amongst his clients. There is still time to avail of this scrappage deal. For further information contact Techplus Ltd at or by phone 01- 404-9060.