SEAI to carryout tyre retailer inspection programme

June 22, 2018
SEAI to carryout tyre retailer inspection programme

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) has announced that it will inspect 120 tyre retailers across Ireland this summer to ensure compliance with the EU Tyre Labelling Regulation.

Tyre labels provide important safety and environmental information for consumers. Under the regulation, tyre retailers must:

• Display the label on tyres where they are visible to customers;
• Give customers information on the fuel efficiency, wet grip and external rolling noise of tyres before the sale is made; and
• State the label values on the customer bill.

SEAI is inspecting tyre retailers to assess current levels of compliance, to make retailers aware of their obligations to consumers and to guide retailers in achieving full compliance with the regulations. Retailers who continually fail to comply will face enforcement action, which could result in a fine.

Tim Stokes, Programme Manager with SEAI, commented on the importance of this regulation for tyre retailers and motorists. He said, “Tyres are a driver’s only contact with the road and so are one of the most important parts of any car. It’s vital that motorists have reliable information regarding safety and fuel economy to allow them make an informed choice when buying tyres. Tyre retailers have an important role, as well as a legal obligation, in that regard.”

In attitudinal research carried out by SEAI some tyre retailers stated that they were concerned about the accuracy of labels. SEAI has been involved in EU-wide laboratory testing of tyre labels, in which compliance was found to be high. SEAI frequently monitors the accuracy of labels through a combination of technical documentation checks and laboratory testing. Where a label is found to be inaccurate, the respective tyre manufacturer concerned is obliged to rectify this, facing legal action if they fail to do so.

SEAI fully supports the tyre industry and Tim Stokes explained the work that SEAI are undertaking. “SEAI has already distributed leaflets to all tyre retailers informing them of their obligations. SEAI is also working with industry representatives and other stakeholders, such as the Road Safety Authority, to increase awareness of tyre labels among motorists. SEAI will continue to regularly carry out inspections to ensure tyre suppliers and distributors are compliant, helping to protect consumers and the environment.”

For more information on retailer obligations visit
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