Simple vehicle graphic removal 

April 19, 2023
Simple vehicle graphic removal  The Induction Mini-Pad offer easy graphic removal

Removing stickers, graphics, decals and body mouldings from a vehicle can be a time consuming and frustrating process. However, with the INDUCTOR Mini-Pad and Mini-Ductor induction heating tool, this process can be made quick and easy. 

The Mini-pad is an optional heating attachment for the innovative Mini-Ductor induction heating tool that allows technicians to remove a variety of stuck on body attachments, leaving little to no adhesive behind. This not only saves time and money, but also reduces potential health and safety risks from using harmful solvents and also makes a job much cleaner.

Unlike traditional heating methods, the invisible heat created by induction heating is the cleanest and fastest way for removing objects bonded to sheet metal. The high frequency magnetic fields pass through non-metallic objects, once these magnetic fields reach the metal surface they heat the metal only leaving the non-metallic parts cooler. The result is easy release and the adhesive stays with the cooler part.

The Mini-Pad attachment is attached to the Mini-Ductor Venom with a simple Twist Lock. The technician waives the attachment over the edge of the graphic. The Mini-Pad is then applied to the end of the desired part or decal to be removed for a couple seconds making it easy to peel off. 

To find out more, call 0044 1953 859138, email or visit
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