Soltec cuts bodyshop waste costs

April 03, 2018
Soltec cuts bodyshop waste costs

Waste Management specialist Soltec is urging bodyshops to think inside the box in an effort to stay compliant and cut waste disposal costs. Its Hazbox Boxes provide a very convenient and cost effective solution to the disposal of bulky waste such as crushed paint cans, spraybooth filters and rags and ensures a bodyshop complies with it regulatory obligations.

The pallet based Hazbox can hold the equivalent of 6 barrels of hazardous waste, but is also compact and easy to handle. Soltec will simply drop an empty box with a business which can be stored inside the workshop or in a suitable weather proof area. Once full, Soltec will collect the Hazbox and provide another empty replacement. They will then safely transport and treat or dispose of the waste in line with strict waste disposal regulations.

As part of the Hazbox service, Soltec will also provide the bodyshop with all the necessary waste disposal documentation, meaning they stay fully compliant with environmental regulations without the any extra administration headaches.

The Hazbox also helps to promote a cleaner and safer working environment for staff. Importantly Soltec also point out that the Hazbox offers a very economical waste disposal solution with the potential to cut solid waste disposal costs by as much as 50%.

For more information on the Haxbox and other Soltec specialist bodyshop products and services call 044-933-5133 or visit
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