Despite, sonic parking assistance systems, radar and cameras, it seems that many motorist still find car parks a challenge resulting in multiple bumps, dings and scrapes. According to a study by Skoda UK, more than 10% of motorists had a parking accident last year meaning a repair bills running into billions of pounds.
The survey estimates that 11% of the UK’s 34 million motorists had a parking accident in 2019 with the average repair bill £396. The most common issue was hitting pillars and posts.
The survey also found that 4 out of 10 drivers admit to hitting another car with their door and that the average driver will scuff their wheels on a kerb twice during a year.
It also seems parking problems can rub drivers up the wrong way with close to 20% saying they have had arguments with other drivers over parking spaces and 14% saying that parking issues had caused arguments with their partner.
Despite these findings and the physical damage to cars, 73% of drivers still drivers still believe they are good at parking.