A survey of over 500 MyCarCheck.com customers has revealed some intriguing differences in male and female perspectives on motoring. The results show men are more concerned with image, while women value economy. Meanwhile all drivers get stressed out by one way systems.
Answers to some key question were summarised as follows:
When buying a car, what is most important to you? Female: Sale price, followed by fuel efficiency
Male: Sale price, followed by look and style
When buying a vehicle, which step are you least comfortable with? Female: Physically inspecting the vehicle
Male: Negotiating the price
How would you rate your driving ability? 47.8% of female respondents described themselves as “good” compared to 60.7% of male respondents.
Of all driving situations, which do you dislike most? The top answer for both men and women was one way systems followed by roundabouts.
Head of My Car Check, Roger Powell, said, “For the vast majority, price is always the most important consideration. People set a budget and then see what they can get for the money. The secondary driver is where we see clear differences along gender lines. Women are most concerned with fuel efficiency, a significant ongoing cost of ownership, while men are more concerned with image, the ‘what will my mates think?’ factor.”