TRACS welcomes the first ‘All Ireland Tyre Survey’, jointly published by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government and the Department of Environment Northern Ireland.
Information provided by TRACS was instrumental in facilitating the survey, which provides improved detail on quantities of used tyres disposed of on the island of Ireland and how they are managed. It also provides regulators north and south with information to inform policy development, drive environmental improvements and provide a level playing field for business.
Fiacra Quinn, TRACS; “We welcome this survey as a first in its attempt to set out a clear picture of the tyre industry on the island of Ireland. TRACS favours an all Ireland approach and strongly recommends a co-ordinated cross border approach to future development plans and policies.”
“However, we think perhaps that the basic weights of individual waste tyres are overstated. This may lead to incorrect determinations. Additionally we would not agree with conclusions on data collection, reporting, and management. Data here is compiled from one source; TRACS. Recommendations for a ‘centralised electronic system’ ignore that such a system has already been built by TRACS and has operated successfully for over 5 years. Also, as TRACS is currently a free-market scheme, with no physical control over the waste, to compare, or even contrast, it with WEEE or packaging is not valid at this time.”