Valeo Service launches ClimFilter Supreme

May 11, 2015
Valeo Service launches ClimFilter Supreme

As we enter the peak months for cabin filter sales Valeo Service has launched ClimFilter Supreme, a new range of polyphenol coated cabin filters. Valeo says these new filters provide the most advanced and effective protection against allergens, harmful gases, odours, pollution, dust and particles for motorists and passengers.

The air inside the vehicle cabin can be up to five times more polluted than outside air and constant exposure to allergens can be very damaging to health.  It is estimated that more than 2.1 billion people in the world and up to 30% of the European population suffers from inhalation allergy issues. These figures have doubled in the past ten years.

Verified independent test have show Valeo ClimFilter Supreme provides 95% efficiency against allergens, with an additional polyphenol coating that improves protection by capturing and neutralising most them.

Awarded “Innovative Development of the Year” at the Moscow International Motor Show in 2013, the new ClimFilter Supreme is a Valeo patented innovation and complements the existing ClimFilter range which has some 500 references covering 98% of the European vehicle parc.

The ClimFilter range is listed on TecDoc and also in a new catalogue, which includes a practical fitting time indicator for technicians.
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