Autopaint Supplies has introduced a new filler to its Roberlo range that as well as offering excellent finish quality also drastically reduces the health risk to bodyshop operatives.
Vital is a styrene-free filler that offers ease of application and reduced job times on both small and large repairs. Its advanced formulation allows for very easy sanding and excellent adhesion. This means it is a high performance filler that produces excellent results in a variety of conditions.
The big added benefit of Vital is that it does not contain styrene which is a key component of most fillers. Autopaint Supplies Paint Representative, Ciaran Fox says users notice the difference with Vital as soon as they open the tin. He comments, "With Vital there is no strong smell, just a clean natural aroma. You can also see that vital is a much safer product as it does not require any hazard or inflammable warning labels.”
Styrene can causes irritation to the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory system and prolonged exposure could cause serious health issues. Roberlo are one of the first manufacturers to develop a styrene free putty that offers performance inline or superior to other fillers, but without the health risks.
Ciaran says, "As a progressive company Roberlo are constantly striving to improve working conditions in bodyshops and Vital is a major step forward. By removing styrene from the formulation they have reduced health risks and at the same time, maintained the quality guarantee that defines Roberlo products.”
For more information contact Autopaint Supplies outlets in Dundalk, Roscommon and Swords, or visit