One antifreeze for all makes and models

October 04, 2012
One antifreeze for all makes and models

Des O Connor, Country Manager for Holt Lloyd in Ireland, answers some questions on Prestone Antifreeze/Coolant.

Q: Why are there so many different types of coolants with different colours and specifications?
A: There are two main reasons for this; firstly each of the car manufacturers has their own standard for coolant and antifreeze and these standards are given codes. The standards are met by coolant & antifreeze manufacturers in different ways with different formulations. The formulations are given codes and colours. Secondly, coolant and antifreeze formulations are subjected to strict European regulations which prevent the use of dangerous chemicals. As vehicles and coolants advance, older codes and technologies such as silicates, phosphates and borates become obsolete and make way for new technology like Prestone.

Q: Is Prestone coolant suitable for all makes and models?
A: Yes, Prestone 50/50 coolant is compatible with ANY antifreeze/coolant - regardless of colour and is for use in all makes or models of cars and commercials, providing Extended Life Protection for up to 240,000 kilometres or 5 years (which ever comes sooner).

A: Does Prestone Antifreeze/Coolant contain silicates, phosphates or borates?
A: No, Prestone’s patented formula does not contain any silicates, phosphates or borates and complies 100% with all European Regulations. In addition, Prestone Extended Life 50/50 antifreeze is good for 5 years or 150,000 miles and is safe for all cars, vans and light trucks. Prestone meets or exceeds car manufacturers standards and is suitable for use in vehicles which demand G12/G12+ and the new G12++ standard. Prestone has been approved by General Motors under their DEX-COOL specifications and is compatible with other DEX-COOL approved coolants.

Q: Why do I need protection down to –37°C?
A:  Primarily it is necessary to give the adequate amount of corrosion protection, as well as freeze/boilover protection. The modern car park is made up of vehicles which are sold all over the world with one coolant and antifreeze standard. Prestone’s coolant/antifreeze can be used in all conditions and protects as low as -37°C and up to 108°C

Q: What’s the main difference between the old style antifreeze and the new coolants.
A: The older types of antifreeze (usually blue) tend to use old technology, are usually not extended life and are typically used in older vehicles.  Prestone’s patented technology is suitable for old and new vehicles alike.
    For more information on Prestone contact Holt Loyd Ireland on 01-885-5100.
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