Research has shown that 25% of Irish drivers are considering the purchase of a new vehicle during the 172 registration period.
Compiled by mobility solutions specialist, easytrip, Ireland's only electronic parking and tolling tag provider, this is down from one in three motorists for the same six month period last year.
Easytrip want to remind drivers who are buying or selling a new vehicle to update their account details or sign up to an easytrip toll tag account to ensure they avoid incurring toll charges and penalty notices from motorway operators.
Potential situations that can lead to drivers paying unnecessary toll bills include:
Selling an old vehicle: if you've sold your old vehicle and inadvertently left your tag in it and haven't updated your toll tag account, the new owner could continue to use your tag at most barrier toll plazas, racking up a bill connected to your account.
Buying a new vehicle: if you've bought a new vehicle and transferred your existing tag to it but forgot to update your account details, you'll risk receiving a toll charge (billed at the higher rate) and penalty charge if you've travelled through the M50 toll plaza as your new car registration is not connected to your toll tag account.
"Our research shows a reduction in consideration of a new vehicle purchase for the 172 period compared to the 162 buying period. While the motor industry are hopeful of a boost to sales for the latter half of 2017, our findings reflect the drop in Irish vehicle sales figures so far this year. For easytrip customers who are buying or selling their vehicle we want to remind them to not forget to remove their easytrip tag before handing over their keys." says Colin Delaney, CEO, easytrip Ireland.